AiR - Atman in Ravi

Atman in Ravi, is an Embodied Soul whose only mission in life is to ‘Help People Realize the Truth about Life and be Enlightened.’ He was born in Bangalore on October 15, 1966. At a very young age, Ravi V. Melwani mastered the craft of bus ine s s and be c ame a ve rysuc c e s s ful bus ine s sman w ho revolutionized retailing in India with the stores KidsKemp, Big KidsKemp, and Kemp Fort. After making millions, he realized that life is not just about making money. He shut down his business at the age of 40 and started making a difference doing H.I.S. work – Humanitarian, Inspirational and Spiritual work. As a part of the Humanitarian initiative, 3 charitable homes