Angela Slavova

Professor Angela Slavova received her MsC in Computer Engineering from Technical University, Russe, in 1986. From 1992–1993, she conducted research at the Florida Institute of Technology, USA, as the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship. She received her PhD in Mathematics in 1994 and, in 2005, became a Doctor of Science, before becoming a Full Professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in 2007. Professor Slavova is Head of the Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics at the Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She has participated in more than 30 conferences, workshops and seminars as an invited speaker, and has published more than 100 papers in various prestigious journals. The author and co-author of 3 monographs, Professor Slavova is also a member of AMS; SIAM; the Board of the Bulgarian Section of WSEAS; EMS; and the IEEE Technical Committee on CNNAD, and Chair of Bulgarian Section of SIAM.