Love Across Realms is an enchanting saga that follows the extraordinary journey of Aiden, the newly revealed King of the Fairy Realm, and his human husband, Evan. Set against the backdrop of two distinct yet intricately connected worlds, this series is a powerful story of love, unity, and the courage to defy the boundaries of magic and humanity.
The series begins with Bound by Magic, where Evan discovers his magical abilities and the deep love he shares with Aiden, leading them to face the challenge of uniting two realms that have long been separated by fear and prejudice. In Bridging Worlds, Aiden steps into the human world, determined to create a bridge between his realm and humanity, proving that love and understanding can overcome even the most daunting of barriers.
Throughout Love Across Realms, readers are invited to witness the struggles and triumphs of Aiden and Evan as they face magical threats, government scrutiny, and the challenge of being true to themselves in a world that doesn't always understand them. With their loyal friends Jenny and Tyler by their side, they endeavor to create a future where humans and fairies can coexist peacefully, without fear or hatred.
Blending heartfelt romance, magical adventure, and the timeless pursuit of acceptance, Love Across Realms is a series that will captivate anyone who believes in the transformative power of love. Join Aiden and Evan as they take on a mission far greater than themselves—a mission to unite two worlds and prove that love truly knows no bounds.