A Story of Light explores a journey of light into more and more concrete layer’s of matter and life. The journey begins with the slowing down of light to c, which is posited to have resulted in a Big Bang from which the process of the creation of the layers of matter began. Light projects properties of itself in each surfacing layer of matter and erects pathways, as it were, by which all of existence is structured. A base layer is that of the wavearchetype-electro-magnetic-masspotential spectrum. Quantum particles are light-property accumulations in this field or spectrum. These in turn create atoms, then molecules, and subsequently cells. Each of these layers has been architected by the innate four-foldness inherent in light. Human experience, including sensations, urges, emotions, feelings, will, and thought, and subsequently the structure of civilization are also seen to be projections of the four-foldness innate in light. This story reveals a deep oneness and because of that an innate power that exists in all creations, and reveals something of the deep mystery of Light.