In an age of apocalypse, the legendary battle between good and evil continues in a new epic adventure. 1300 years into the future, the world has suffered apocalyptic devastation. Only two nations survive: Aryavarta, where the last vestiges of humankind dwells, and Nark, a dark continent ruled by the savage Asuras. Ravan, the demonic ruler of Nark, threatens Aryavarta with his desire for world domination, as his legions march forth and spread his evil empire. But hope remains in the form of four brothers, the princes of Aryavarta: Bharat, Shatrughan, Lakshman and the Prince Rama. They remain duty-bound to protect the war-torn outposts of Aryavarta from Ravan's forces but as the battle rages Prince Rama must choose between duty and the survival of his people. This is a triumph of imagination. The core characters and story of the world's greatest epics, the Ramayan, has been respectfully converted into a futuristic, post-apocalyptic tale, which blazes along at a blistering pace.