Many tend to exceed with some macros or in calories or can fall victim to the temptation to give up before they can truly experience the benefits of being keto-adapted.
Your 30-day ketogenic meal plan is not like most of the keto or recipes books you have read. It makes things simple, by eliminating confusion and some of the myths that exist in the low carb community and by laying out the milestones you must observe to have success on your keto quest.
Here’s what you can expect to find in this book…
How does a ketogenic diet work?
How does a ketogenic diet compare to other diets?
What should i do before beginning a ketogenic diet?
What foods to avoid
All original chef designed meal plans and recipes
Making a meal plan to fit your life
Fitting all the pieces together
And much more!
Even if you are someone who has yo-yo dieted for years and have all but given up, the ketogenic diet offers you something different that can really work and will see you lose weight quickly and easily once ketosis has been achieved.
The keto diet for beginners will talk you through each step of the process and provide you with the motivation to lose the weight you always wanted to.