Studies in Corpus Linguistics

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Latest release: November 15, 2024
Psycholinguistics · Spelling & Vocabulary · Phonetics & Phonology

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About this ebook series

Terms in Context applies the methodology that has been developed over the last two decades in corpus linguistics to the relatively new and still little developed field of corpus-based terminography. While corpora are already being used by some terminologists for the identification of terms and retrieval of contextual fragments, this book describes the first attempt to use corpora for terminography in much the same way as large general reference corpora are already being used for general language lexicography. The author goes beyond the standard problem of identifying terms as opposed to non-terminological lexical items in text and focuses on identifying metalanguage patterns which point to the presence in text of (parts of) reusable definitions of terms. The author examines these patterns and shows how the information which they contain can be retrieved and used as input for terminological entries.
Terms in Context should be of interest to ‘traditional’ terminologists who have not previously considered adopting a corpus-based approach to their work or at least not on the scale proposed here; to ‘modern’ terminologists who use text primarily for the identification of terms and the retrieval of contextual examples; to those in the corpus linguistic community who have hitherto used general language corpora for the purposes of lexicography and have not previously considered using special purpose corpora for more specific lexicography studies; and to academics in the ESP/LSP community who are interested in showing students how to use text as a means of ascertaining the meaning of terms.