L' Armee Francaise (Age of Eagles)

Latest release: August 27, 2023
Benelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) · Miniatures · Napoleonic Wars

About this ebook series

L' Armee Francaise is the primary product line for the Age of Eagles II family of Fire & Fury based rules, expansion and scenario pubs for historical miniature wargaming during the age of Napoleon, the French Revolution and beyond. Age of Eagles II (of which there is also a French edition) is the core rules set, while Napoleon vs Europe, 1813 - 14 adds scenarios and modifications for the German Befreiungskrieg and the War in Spain. Age of Honor looks backward and adds modifications and scenarios for play during the age of Marlborough and Frederick the Great. L' Armee Francaise is the parent and companion series to the Age of Valor product line covering European warfare based on Fire & Fury during the age of rifles, from the 18 48 Hungarian Revolution to World War I, 1914.