In Extra Credit! 8 Ways to Turn Your Education Expertise into Passion Projects and Extra Income, a team of accomplished educators and content creators delivers an illuminating and engaging handbook for educators who seek to bring in extra income with their professional and personal talents. In the book, you’ll explore a wide variety of potential income streams, including leveraging social media platforms, creating educational resources, writing, and online courses, just to name a few!
You’ll also find out how educators are finding purpose and meaning in their various side hustles, making profitable and beneficial use of their many gifts. You’ll discover:
An essential read for professors, teachers, teaching assistants, and other educators, Extra Credit! will earn a place in the libraries of school administrators, former educators, and other school based professionals.
LaNesha Tabb is the content creator behind Education With An Apron, where she creates fresh and innovative teaching resources. Find her online at and on Instagram as @apron_education.
Naomi O’Brien is an educator who shares culturally responsive teaching practices through conferences, educational resources, and social media. Find her online at and on Instagram as @readlikearockstarteaching.