Republicans must seek to drain the swamp by limiting the clout of lobbyists and interest groups. They must also be nationalists, and as American nationalism is defined by the liberal nationalism of our founders, the party must reject the illiberalism of extremists on the Left and Right. As progressives, Republicans must also recognize nationalism’s leftward gravitational force and the way in which it demands that the party serve the common good through policies that protect the less fortunate among our countrymen.
At a time when the Left asks us to scorn our country, Republicans must also be the conservative party that defends our families, the nobility of American ideals, and the founders’ republican virtues.
By championing these policies, the Republicans will retain the new voters Trump brought to the GOP as well as those who left the party because of him. And as progressive conservatives, the GOP will become America’s natural governing party.
F. H. Buckley is a Foundation Professor at George Mason University’s Scalia School of Law and has taught at McGill University, the Sorbonne, and Sciences Po in Paris. He is a senior editor at The American Spectator and a frequent media guest. His most recent books are Curiosity: And Its Twelve Rules for Life (Encounter Books, 2021), American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup (Encounter Books, 2020), and The Republican Workers Party: How the Trump Victory Drove Everyone Crazy, and Why It Was Just What We Needed (Encounter Books, 2018). He lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with his wife, Esther. His daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Nick Mark, are MDs who work for pharmaceutical companies.