How would you like to be given a new identity to live by and then removed from your sisters and brothers--never legally permitted to contact them again--even upon your deathbed? Adoption laws consist of many governmental and religious red tape adoptees are forced to contend even into their elder years with because of the fierce advertising campaigning of adoption agencies to convince the public to fall in love with their activities.
This research book has been divided into four short, easy-to-read sections, revealing the making of the current child welfare system throughout time: starting in Europe (referred to as the European Child Migration Schemes); then spreading to America (known as the Orphan Train Movement); into Asia (called the Evangelical Baby "Swoop" Era), to what's trending today: Africa.
The pioneers who built and profited from the industry continue to deny adoptees access to documents that could lead them back to their families. This book protects you against adoption profiteers and traffickers who profess God is on their side. It summarizes the inception and expansion of the adoption industry, focusing on its roots and consequences kept from public awareness. Discover the history of adoption from another angle--a view adoption agencies will never tell you. The findings have been called mind-blowing!
Inspired by a Haitian adoptee who died of heart failure after learning that he had been trafficked to France for overseas adoption but was never able to acquire justice due to the public's love affair with the practice. The author co-founded Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Information Network (ATTWIN), an adoptee-led forum entirely rooted in equal rights for adoptees. ATTWIN refuses to accept any funding from the lobbying efforts of profitable multi-million dollar adoption agencies. The cofounders are adopted people and are affiliated politically as "Independents." This book is NOT recommended for adoption profiteers, anti-abortion fundamentalists, evangelicals, or individuals against equal rights for adult adoptees.
*For universities and institutions, this book is titled Adoption History: An Adoptee's Research into Child Trafficking and is available in hardcover
Janine Myung Ja was adopted from Seoul, South Korea, in 1972, which resulted in her investigation into intercountry adoption into adulthood. She curated numerous books on transracial and overseas adoption, including "Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists," "The Unknown Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now," and "Adoption: What You Should Know." These books explore the experiences and perspectives of adopted people from various countries. The narratives also point out the challenges adopted people face, including issues related to identity, culture, and belonging.
JANINE and her twin submitted their adoption file to be examined by Korea's Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2022, along with more than three hundred Korean-born adoptees. Fifty years after her overseas adoption, Janine recently learned that her adoption was "illegal" and a "serious human rights violation."
Since 2004, Janine has written critically about the Evangelical Orphan Movement (EOM). To raise awareness of the crisis of child trafficking, which fills the adoption market, she serves as the Executive Director of Against Child Trafficking in the USA. She is adamantly opposed to the overseas child market spearheaded by missionaries who have profited from the now 20+ billion dollar Adoption and Child Welfare industry and exploited vulnerable women, children, and families globally.
Various groups have recognized her work, and she has received numerous book awards during her writing career. Janine writes about her private experiences and philosophy using her maiden adoptive name Janine Vance. To discover her past and present, visit To learn about Janine's study on the history of adoption, visit