The thinker who has a mortal fear of being wrong will give all that is valuable in himself to that little ambition. Walter Lippmann (1914) Psychology has always been plagued by passing fads and fan cies to a greater extent than is seemly in a scientific discipline. Over the past few years the Zeitgeist can be summed up by the two words 'cognitive psychology'. Indeed, a recent poll of academic psychologists in American indicated that over 80% of them regarded themselves as cognitive psychologists! Cognitive psychology is in the ascendant, but it has never been clear to me that it has addressed all of the appropriate is sues. In particular, information processing in the real world (and even in the laboratory) occurs within a motivational and emotional context, but cognitive psychologists usually main tain the convenient fiction that cognition can fruitfully be stud ied in isolation. The main reason for writing this book was to at tempt to demonstrate that there can be a useful cross-fertiliza tion between cognitive and motivational-emotional psycholo gy and that there are already tantalizing glimpses of the poten tial advantages of such inter-disciplinary research. The ideas of Donald Broadbent and his associates have exer cised a formative influence during the writing of this book. They discovered some years ago that there are intriguing simi larities (as well as differences) in the effects on performance of such apparently quite disparate factors as white noise, time of day, introversion-extraversion and incentive.