Andrea Dunlop is the author of four novels, including She Regrets Nothing and Women Are the Fiercest Creatures, and the host and creator of Nobody Should Believe Me, an award-winning investigative true crime podcast about Munchausen by proxy. Andrea is the founder of Munchausen Support, the nation’s only non-profit dedicated to supporting survivors and families affected by MBP, and a member of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children’s MBP committee, where she serves alongside the country’s foremost experts. She lives in Seattle with her husband and two children.
Mike Weber has forty years of law enforcement experience, including fifteen years as a crimes against children investigator. Detective Weber has consulted with numerous police agencies and district attorney’s offices nationally on cases of medical child abuse, and was awarded the 2016 NCMEC Texas Hero for Children Award. He currently lives and works in Fort Worth.