During his life, Chuck Colson was the preeminent evangelical in American public life. He dedicated himself to public witness in the mold of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and William Wilberforce, creating and leading efforts such as Prison Fellowship, Angel Tree, Breakpoint, and the Centurions program. He worked tirelessly on behalf of humanity because he believed that all people needed help to flourish. He knew the importance of working practically to advance truth and justice in public. And he knew that to be courageous—and to speak and act courageously in line with Scripture—was by definition to be loving.
Chuck Colson’s life reveals there is no division between truth and love, between embracing biblical guidance and loving our neighbor. The Colson Way uses the legacy and wisdom of Colson to show Christians a way of living in a public square increasingly hostile to evangelical conviction.
Owen Strachan is associate professor of Christian Theology and director of the Center on Gospel & Culture at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The author of seven books, he is married to Bethany and is the father of three children.