Mort Crim is a broadcast journalist and author who worked for more than forty years in both local and national radio and television news. He's covered presidential summits, space flights, a Mideast war, and for five years was Paul Harvey's regular vacation back-up. He was a correspondent with ABC, based in New York, a news anchor at WHAS-TV in Louisville, KWY-TV in Philadelphia, WBBM-TV, Chicago, and for twenty years was senior anchor at WDIV-TV, Detroit, where he also was a national correspondent for the parent company, Post-Newsweek Television. His nationally-syndicated radio series, Second Thoughts, was on the air for fifteen years, and at its peak was carried by more than 1,300 U.S. and Canadian radio stations, and overseas on the Armed Forces Radio Network. Among his more illustrious credits are the two Anchorman movie satires for which Will Ferrell credits Mort and co-anchor Jessica Savitch with providing the "inspiration." Mort holds a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University, four honorary doctorates, and scores of news awards including six Emmys. He was among the first honorees inducted into Northwestern University's Hall of Achievement and is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement award from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, where he earned his bachelor's degree. He has been inducted into Broadcast Halls of Fame in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Illinois—his home state.