Grace J. Reviewerlady
Written with such finesse that it's hard to believe this is the author's debut! Rosa has a story to tell, and it is expertly written and unfolds beautifully. From her hard life as a young girl in a mountain village to the creator of a global fashion empire, she reveals everything - the good, the bad and, yes, the ugly. She is honest to a fault and her story is related while she prepares herself for the single most important meeting of her life. I was first drawn to this book by both the title and cover; I've been known to create a few articles of clothing myself over the years so anything with 'dressmaker' in the title always piques my interest. I can't tell you how happy I am that I requested this one and didn't scroll on by. Unfolding at an even pace from first to last, it is a tantalising tale, which drew me in until I felt as if Rosa is - well, not my best friend, but definitely someone I was aware of. Skilfully created, this is an eloquent tale and I admired so much about Rosa whilst wondering if I would have been able to take the hard decisions she had to. This novel has left me feeling honoured and privileged to have been given a glimpse into Rosa's world and it's all wrapped up with a superb finale! Georgia Kaufmann is definitely an author to watch and, in all conscience, I really cannot give this one any less than a full five stars.