A total of 42 papers was submitted. For the DETIPS Workshop 8 regular papers were selected for presentation. Topics of interest address various aspect of the core areas in relation to digital economy.
For the DeSECSys Workshop 4 regular papers are included. The workshop had the objective of fostering collaboration and discussion among cyber-security researchers and practitioners to discuss the various facets and trade-o s of cyber security. In particular, applications, opportunities and possible shortcomings of novel security technologies and their integration in emerging application domains.
For the MPS Workshop 4 regular papers are presented which cover topics related to the security and privacy of multimedia systems of Internet-based video conferencing systems (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet), online chatrooms (e.g., Slack), as well as other services to support telework capabilities.
For the SPOSE Workshop 3 full papers were accepted for publication. They reflect the discussion, exchange, and development of ideas and questions regarding the design and engineering of technical security and privacy mechanisms with particular reference to organizational contexts.