Purva Ghodke
Armed struggle by Aman choudhary talks about how even armed struggle helped in India's independence and explains the roles of the forgotten heroes like Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Veer Savarkar, Aurobindo Ghosh etc. The cover of the book is simple yet eye-catching and the title matches the story perfectly. The narration is smooth and lucid. The language is also easy to understand. The book is divided into 5 parts which are - 1. The Ignition 2. The Ghadar movement 3. The reignition 4 4. Sayonara 5. Aftermath These 5 parts starts with introduction and are further divided into more sub parts. The book is formatted in a very systematic way which I really liked. This book includes a lot of pictures, map and at the end of each chapter there is summary which really helps in understanding everything and does not make the story boring. Would definitely recommend this book to every history lovers / anyone who is interested in Indian history.
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Ramakant Kanodia
A very well researched and authentic account of the other parallel movement of armed resistance of the British rule in india . Something that the congress party deliberately removed from the history books. A casual mention In our text books of Bhagat singh and Chandrashekhar Azad and a few more does not do justice to all the others who gave their lives for india. It’s time this narrative is given its due place in India’s independence struggle.
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priyanka gupta
We have been learning a lot about the freedom struggle of India since school days. We have been taught various moments which were taken up by our freedom fighters to give us freedom and yes, they were sucessful. The Armed Struggle is an ingenious non-fiction by author Aman who documented the various events that changed the course of history from 1900-1947. Also, we are not completely aware about the freedom struggle. We hardly know about movements which were taken up by Mahatma Gandhi. Author Aman has described us another movement which was armed. We get to know more about other freedom fighters who fought for us. Leaders like Aurobindo Ghosh, V. Savarkar, Subhash Chandra Bose are talked about in the book and about their great deeds. These great leaders too were involved and they are responsible for the independence of our country. Reading through and through gave me a lot of information which I never knew or which I never thought of. Our freedom fighters went through a lot and their struggles are worth reading for. These armed forces need to be heard by everyone of us. The chapters are followed by a bibliography and being a research student I'm intrigued to do research on some topics. This bibliography can help us to do the same and go to the depth of the topic. I must say the book is very well-researched. The language is pretty simple and easy to grasp. The cover of the book is simple and the book is totally informative because it gives us insight about the freedom fighters. The unsung leaders are recognized in The Armed Struggle. This book is a must read for everyone who is intetested to know more about freedom struggles.
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