A very big welcome to the "Tropical Fish Keeping Journal Book Edition Two" for every tropical Fish Hobbyist and Dedicated Aquarist from around the World. Each edition covers a series of special features on the hobby, for a successful tropical fish keeping experience.
In this issue of the “Tropical Fish Keeping Journal” book edition two, we cover; the choice of aquarium substrates and their advantages. Successfully growing and keeping aquatic plants for the naturally planted aquarium. Different filtration methods and systems for the aquarium, to achieve the very best results for safe crystal clear water.
INTRODUCTION - Author’s introduction to the Tropical Fish Keeping Journal Book Edition Two Page 05, AQUARISTS DIARY AND NEWS - The Tropical Fish Keeping Journal Aquarists Diary and News for Aquarists and Hobbyists Page 09, AQUARIUM SUBSTRATES - Getting down in the dirt featuring aquarium substrates and with an in-depth look into the options available to achieving healthy thriving tropical fish and Aquatic Plants Page 18, GROWING HEALTHY AQUATIC PLANTS - Understanding the science and secrets behind growing and propagating successfully Aquatic Plants Page 52, AQUARIUM FILTRATION SYSTEMS - The options in filtration to deliver optimal aquarium conditions with crystal clear water Page 76, TROPICAL FISH SPECIES - Editors choice featuring a selection of tropical fish species accompanied with fact files Page 107, AQUATIC PLANT SPECIES - Editors choice featuring a selection of aquatic plant species accompanied with fact files Page 111, BREEDING LIVEBEARER PLATIES - The aquarists quick guide to successfully breeding and rearing livebearer Platies Page 114, AQUARISTS PRODUCTS GUIDE - Featuring essential star aquatic products of note for today's tropical fish hobbyist Page 118, AQUARISTS REFERENCE TABLES - Sets of essential reference tables for aquarists including Gallons, Litres, Aquarium Sizes, Filtration and more in every journal edition, plus mathematical formulas Page 120, AQUARISTS BOOK GUIDE - Essential books and magazines worth reading and acquiring covering the hobby Page 122 and AQUARISTS DIRECTORY - Useful web sites and web addresses for aquarists in relation to the pastime Page 123.
Alastair Agutter is one of a select few world-wide to successfully breed Wild Discus (symphysodon) species King of the Aquarium in captivity and an authority on these tropical fish species and others, as an accomplished Best Selling Author of Specialist Books Internationally.
Alastair began keeping and breeding tropical fish as a hobbyist from the age of just 9 years back in 1967 (nearly 50 years ago) and has successfully bred many species. He was one of the very first Aquarists in the United Kingdom breeding cichlids from the Great Lakes (Malawi and Tanganyika) in the early and mid-nineteen-seventies.
His enthusiasm as a dedicated Aquarist continues today with a number of projects underway; including the development of new biological filtration systems (Polyatomic-ion Biological Reactors), to help improve the success survival rate for keeping thriving plants with tropical fish species. Other projects include breeding a number of endangered species including original strains of the symphysodon family and other smaller indigenous species native to South America mainly inhabiting the Great River Amazon.
Alastair also continues today designing and making his very own aquariums and equipment for his projects, and also endeavours to write more tropical fish hobbyist reference books as a freelance full-time author, in the interests of further serving the local and wider Community Internationally.