Their chance encounter blooms into a love story that unfolds beneath the sprawling branches of a jacaranda tree in a vibrant courtyard—a space that becomes a witness to the evolving tapestry of their lives. As Mari navigates her role in building an orphanage, Hayden becomes more than an architect; he becomes a partner in dreams and a steadfast presence in her journey.
"Under the Lusaka Sky" is a tale of love that transcends borders, a celebration of a city that nurtures dreams, and a testament to the enduring power of community. Join Mari and Hayden as they discover the enchantment of Lusaka, where every jacaranda bloom echoes the heartbeat of a love that knows no bounds.
An Exquisite Tale of Love, Resilience, and the Magic of Lusaka
Discover the allure of Lusaka and the transformative power of love beneath the jacaranda tree.