There's never been a better time to be a marketer or entrepreneur than right now. Thanks to the Internet, a new world of free and inexpensive tactics can help get the word out to the prospects of any business with a limited marketing budget. Free Marketing delivers more than 100 ideas to help any small business owner or marketer generate new revenue—with little or no marketing budget.
With both Internet-based and creative offline ideas, you'll discover ways to turn your top customers into your unpaid sales force, get your competitors to help you promote your new products, and other innovative ways to get the word out.
Grow a successful business without letting your marketing budget tell you "No." Jim Cockrum has proven that the most powerful marketing strategies are the cheapest.
JIM COCKRUM, ranked “the most trusted marketer on the Internet” by, has inspired more than 100,000 online entrepreneurs with his creative training style. He has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services online and has helped thousands of others start and grow successful businesses. He has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, eBay radio, and hosts the weekly radio broadcast Creative Internet Income Strategies. He is the bestselling author of The Silent Sales Machine.