In the enclosed four official Reports of first American Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, are outlined a vision of a productive, prosperous, future for the nation he, in large part, crafted from chaos.
How do you go from national bankruptcy to prosperity? You cannot do it by allowing the “Magic of the Markets” to make all important decisions. Since the assassination of President Kennedy, America has, more and more, adopted this prescription of Adam Smith and the Mont Pelerin Society. You see the results all around you. You need not seek an MBA from Harvard to assess the results of this turn away from Hamilton’s approach.
On the other hand, before your eyes today is a shining example of the success of Hamilton’s approach. In less than 2 generations, China has moved from poverty and helplessness to become the engine of economic growth on the planet. They have lifted 700 million people out of poverty in less than one generation. They offer to bring the whole world into the process of upward development. What did they do to accomplish the ongoing transformation? They applied the approach of Hamilton, long known as the “American System” of political economy, along with updated prescriptions from Lyndon LaRouche.
As you read the enclosed reports, compare the approach presented by Hamilton, with what passes for “Economics, Finance & Business” in the Trans-Atlantic academic world as well as in “popular culture.” Have you forgotten your roots?
The path to recovery and future prosperity starts with the Four Reports in this book. From there, it is but a small step to Lyndon LaRouche’s Four New Laws.
Alexander Hamilton organized the Constitutional Convention, the campaign for the Constitution's ratification, and, as first United States Secretary of the Treasury, he designed a system of credit, national banking, tariffs, and technological progress which became known as "The American System of Political Economy."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. is the foremost advocate of Hamiltonian methods, as well as the most successful economic forecaster alive today. He persuaded President Ronald Reagan to adopt a Hamiltonian technological progress approach to stopping nuclear war with economic progress for all (the Strategic Defense Initiative).
LaRouche persuaded the governments of 80% of the planet's people to adopt a Hamiltonian policy of global scientific and technological progress in order to end war and poverty.
LaRouche is internationally recognized for the breakthroughs he made in political economy which he reports in his famous book So, You Wish To Learn All About Economics?