Come with us to Assisi, the land of Saint Francis. No matter where you go there, you can feel Saint Francis and Saint Clare.
See many of his Miracles. Visit the Portziuncola, first Franciscan Church, the Convent of San Damiano where the Crucifix spoke to Francis, when he asked, "What do you want of me Lord" and Jesus replied,
"Go and rebuild my Church which you can see, is in ruins."
Visit the Hermitage, where Francis went to meditate and hear the Lord's words. Come to his Basilica and visit his tomb.
Learn about the Stigmata, how it came about, and what effect it had on the rest of Saint Francis' life. Come with him as he returned to the Convent of San Damiano and Sister Clare, who cared for him. See his life and death as depicted by the many murals in the upper Basilica.
Learn about Saint Francis. We need him especially today.
Bob and Penny Lord were renowned Catholic Authors and hosts on EWTN Global Catholic Television. They are most known for their books on the Miracles of the Eucharist, Marian Apparitions and Lives of the Saints.