Education is an effort to educate people, through education the quality of human life becomes better, and it is captured and realized by all Muhammadiyah universities in Indonesia, especially from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science. The problem that occurs is the need for a lot of innovation related to the implementation of learning in the classroom so that the learning process becomes more enjoyable. Thus, students will be more eager to learn and their academic achievement will be better, which of course has implications for the quality of education which is also better. Therefore, the Association of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Teaching Institutions (ALPTK-PTM) in collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong (UNAMIN) dan Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong (UNIMUDA) as the local committee initiated the holding of The 7th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference (The 7th Profunedu) which was held on 8-9 September 2022.
The conference invited eight invited speakers from international speakers and Indonesian speakers. In addition, the conference was also attended by 115 participants and presenters with 107 papers listed. The 7th Profunedu this time collaborated with the Atlantis Press in the paper publication process. From 107 papers listed, 30 papers were selected to be published by Atlantis Press as publishing partners in this conference.