In view of this, the book "DOMINION OVER DEMONIC SPIDERS & COBWEBS: A God-Driven Natural Solution" has been written. The book has been published to help victims of spider-web attacks overcome them through rigorous prayers and the godly use of natural plants. God did not just create natural plants for food but also for the spiritual healing and deliverance of mankind (Revelation 22:2)..
Consequently, everyone under the demonic oppression of spider-web attacks will indisputably find this book a useful self-help spiritual guide which brings one out of witchcraft captivity into complete freedom and absolute rest. Welcome on board!
S. G Treasure is a world renowned Life-Coach and Novelangelist. He has authored many books on faith, relationship, marriage, parenting, career, finances, and human capacity development. He runs an encouragement ministry dedicated to encouraging people going through tough and difficult times around the world. You can reach the author via [email protected]