Beliefs and Mathematics is a Festschrift honoring the contributions of Günter Törner to mathematics education and mathematics. Mathematics Education as a legitimate area of research emerged from the initiatives of well known mathematicians of the last century such as Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal. Today there is an increasing schism between researchers in mathematics education and those in mathematics as evidenced in the Math wars in the U.S and other parts of the world. Günter Törner represents an international voice of reason, well respected and known in both groups, one who has successfully bridged and worked in both domains for three decades. His contributions in the domain of beliefs theory are well known and acknowledged. The articles in this book are written by many prominent researchers in the area of mathematics education, several of whom are editors of leading journals in the field and have been at the helm of cutting edge advances in research and practice. The contents cover a wide spectrum of research, teaching and learning issues that are relevant for anyone interested in mathematics education and its multifaceted nature of research. The book as a whole also conveys the beauty and relevance of mathematics in societies around the world. It is a must read for anyone interested in mathematics education.