Dr Roberto Petrosino obtained his PhD in Linguistics at University of Connecticut, USA. He is now post-doctoral researcher at New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. His specific theoretical interests lie within the domains of phonology and morphology, and in particular ask questions (i) about the informational richness of the phonological and morphological representations that are stored in the lexicon, and (ii) about the representational and computational relationships between alternants of morphological, phonological, and morpho-phonological alternations. He has published several peer-reviewed contributions in scientific journals. On the theoretical side, he has worked on several Indo-European languages (primarily, English and Italian, as well as Modern Greek, Classical Greek, and Latin). On the experimental side, he has worked primarily on English, by leveraging evidence from real-time word processing using both behavioral measures (primarily, lexical decision tasks, including both visual and auditory masked priming) and electrophysiological measures (in particular, electroencephalograms, or EEG).