Learn how God intervened to restore a remnant of his people in Israel in the fifth century BC, a time when the nations existence had reached a desperation point. Gods ways have not changed. He still acts on behalf of those he is calling to follow him. As an absolute sovereign, he expects complete obedience to his will.
See how God overruled the dominant powers of that time to fulfill his purpose in the world. This practice has not changed. God is still King; however many circumstances and the boasts of the ungodly may seem to mask that fact.
Understand the true basis for prayer as Gods people in any age relate to their true King and persist in their obedience to him.
After seeing God revive two struggling congregations through systematic Bible teaching and genuine pastoral care, Tom Halls joined the staff of Saint Andrews Cathedral, Sydney, in 2006. This part-time position has allowed him more opportunity to preach and conduct preaching seminars in regions as diverse as India, Nepal, Asia, North America, and Eastern and Western Europe. He oversees the Cathedral’s Subcontinental Fellowship for students and short-term workers from India, Nepal, and elsewhere.