To be the winning candidate, you need a strategic success plan. Killer Interviews: Success Strategies for Young Professionals gives you the "edge" to nail the job by providing a step-by-step game plan. You'll learn how to:
-build a resume that "pre-sells" you
-create a powerful network
-prepare for every aspect of the interview
-communicate effectively with the interviewer
-close the sale like a pro and land the job offer
-decide if the company and the job are right for you.
Whether you are moving from college to your first job-or looking to make that next career move-Killer Interviews: Success Strategies for Young Professionals will maximize your chances for success, regardless of whether your job target is for-profit, not-for-profit, education or government.
Frederick W. Ball is Managing Director of Ball & Associates, LLC, a human resources consulting firm specializing in career planning and executive coaching. He consults with senior executives from Fortune 500, and the not-for-profit, and education industries on how to hire top talent. He is a former executive director of the Institute for Administrative Research at Columbia University, from which he earned his doctorate.
Barbara B. Ball is Director of Human Resources for the prestigious Westfield, NJ public schools. Her responsibilities include recruiting and hiring, employee and labor relations, as well as training and development in hiring top talent.
Fred and Barbara's work with young professionals includes 15 years of delivering seminars at Brown, Columbia and Duke Universities and counseling young professionals.
Fred and Barbara are co-authors of two highly respected books-Killer Interviews: The Best Interview Strategies (Revised-2010), and Impact Hiring: The Secrets of Hiring a Superstar (2000). They are recognized resources for the media on interviewing from either side of the desk.