Can God depend on you for His global and end-time purposes as far as the salvation of multitudes is concerned?
Using the Biblical examples of Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, King Saul, David, the Lord Jesus, as well as his personal testimony, the author shows clearly that it is when the Holy Spirit came on them that they received power to accomplish God’s call.
This book can be a real stimulus for you to rise to heights with God and move forward with Him.
Read it and become restless until you are clothed with and function exclusively under the power from on high—the power for service.
Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum was born in the flesh on 20th June 1945 and became born again on 13th June 1956. On 1st October 1966, He consecrated his life to the Lord Jesus and to His service, and was filled with the Holy Spirit on 24th October 1970. He was taken to be with the Lord on 14th March, 2009.