An epic adventure where a young female ship captain is sent to retrieve information vital to the Galactic Kingdom; a new threat has emerged, and the galaxy is in danger - Can she and her computer companion, GRIMM, get back onto the charted path and return home? Will they be hunted down and killed before the mission can be completed?
A bonus feature includes a chapter sample of Part 3!
Jeff Walker is a Canadian writer of science fiction, sci fi/fantasy, and paranormal/horror/weird fiction. His books comprise distant worlds, futuristic timelines, scary inter-dimensional beings, and protagonist characters of diverse personalities. So, basically... they’ll keep you interested. The 2020 Author Elite Awards placed his book The Long Lost War as a top ten finalist in the category of Science Fiction. Not too shabby, right?
Besides writing and continually looking at social media posts (we’re all slaves to it!), he tries his best to parent two energetic children with his loving wife, and keep his sanity while working his day job as a Custodian. He started out writing fan fiction (Batman Beyond, Doctor Who, The Transformers, Blade Runner...), but soon honed his talent and focused on original stories with characters to call his own. He’s a major geek for anything related to comic books, Star Trek or Star Wars, and anything dealing with the supernatural or paranormal.
And yes, he thinks the sequel trilogy of Star Wars was disappointing. (Who wouldn’t think that?)
You can follow him on his website blog, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. TikTok, not so much, he’s still trying to figure it out.
"There is no greater challenge than creating a story from scratch. A hard thing to do when basically everything has been pretty much created by now. But, that is the challenge isn't it?"