The philosopher Thomas Reid (1710 – 1796), the founder of the Scottish School of Common Sense and, was with his contemporary David Hume, played an integral role in the Scottish Enlightenment.
Reid's classic treatise on phenomenology includes the following chapters:
Chapter I. Introduction
I. The importance of the subject, and the means of prosecuting it
II. The impediments to our knowledge of the mind
III. The present state of this part of philosophy—of Des Cartes, Nalebranche, and Locke
IV. Apology for those philosophers
V. Of Bishop Berkeley—the “Treatise of Human Nature”—and of scepticism
VII. The system of all these authors is the same and leads to scepticism
VIII. We ought not to despair of a better
Chapter II. Of Smelling
I. The order of proceeding.
II. The sensation considered abstractly
III. Sensation and its remembrance natural principles of belief
IV. Judgment and belief in some cases precede simple apprehension
V. Two theories of the nature of belief refuted. Conclusions from what hath been said
VI. Apology for metaphysical absurdities. Sensation without a sentient, a consequence of the theory of ideas. Consequences of this strange opinion
VII. The conception and belief of a sentient being or mind, is suggested by our constitution. The notion of relations not always got by comparing the related ideas
VIII. There is a quality or virtue in bodies, which we call their smell. How this is connected in the imagination with the sensation
IX. That there is a principle in human nature, from which the notion of this, as well as all other natural virtues or causes, is derived
X. Whether in sensations the mind is active or passive
Chapter III. Of Tasting
Chapter IV. Of Hearing
I. Variety of sounds. Their place and distance learned by custom, without reasoning
II. Of natural language
Chapter V. Of Touch
I. Of heat and cold
II. Of hardness and softness
III. Of natural signs
IV. Of hardness, and other primary qualities
VI. Of extension
VII. Of extension
VIII. Of the existence of a material world
IX. Of the systems of philosophers concerning the senses
Chapter VI. Of Seeing
I. The excellence and dignity of this faculty
II. Sight discovers almost nothing which the blind may not comprehend. The reason of this
III. Of the visible appearances of objects
IV. That colour is a quality of bodies, not a sensation of the mind
V. First inference from the preceding
VI. Second. That none of our sensations are resemblances of any of the qualities of bodies
VII. Of visible figure and extension
VIII. Some queries concerning visible figure answered
IX. Of the geometry of visibles
X. Of the parallel motion of the eyes
XI. Of our seeing objects erect by inverted images
XII. The same subject continued
XIII. Of seeing objects single with two eyes
XIV. Of the laws of vision in brute animals
XV. The phenomena of squinting considered hypothetically
XVI. Facts relating to squinting
XVII. Of the effect of custom in seeing objects single
XVIII. Of Dr. Porterfield’s account of single and double vision
XIX. Of Dr. Briggs's theory, and Sir Isaac Newton's conjecture on this subject
XX. Of perception in general
XXI. Of the process of nature in perception
XXII. Of the signs by which we learn to perceive distance from, the eye
XXIII. Of the signs used in these acquired perceptions
Chapter VII. Conclusion