Debra was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario Canada. As a young woman, she worked in an office while raising her two children. In 1991 she changed course entirely and went back to college to become a nurse. This is where she met her future husband, Chris. From 1995 to 2014, Debra worked in a long-term care facility and thoroughly enjoyed her time there. Sadly, in 2014 her son suddenly passed away and returning to nursing just didn’t seem like an option any longer. Struggling with depression and looking for an outlet to ease her mind, she began writing to escape to a time when life seemed less complicated. Without any formal training, Debra never once believed that, someday, she would become a published author. In 2015, her first book was published and there have been three others since, including two self-published books in 2018. Her new psychological thriller, The Asylum, published by Bloodhoud Books in October 2020.