A significant challenge, in practical, organizational, and scientific terms is to understand the opportunities and threats resulting from digital transformation, to identify optimal strategies for the development of business entities in new economic and management conditions, taking care to adopt collateral and proper management of new risks. Addressing this challenge to the readers - contributors indicate the latest theoretical advances, and practical examples in Moldova, Kosovo, and the BRIC countries, among others. This results in a synthetic look at the complex digital transformation processes of the modern world, both in terms of the underlying causes and the vast effects of the transformations and digitization of social and economic life.
Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance.
Kiran Sood is a Professor in Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Dr. Balamurugan Balusamy is Associate Dean - Student Engagement at Shiv Nadar University, India.
Simon Grima is Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Insurance and Risk Management at the University of Malta.