Nicole Nichols baby you dont need A 'CREDIT CARD' i would actually prefer DEBIT with a purchase this small. Don't ruin credit when the whole purpose of a credit card is to buy or pay w it usually big purches. And to continuously make that payment every month never be late and always be on time and sufficient guaranteed your credit will go through the roof. But something that is 2.99 or $20 it wouldn't be worth my purchase on credit..
2 people found this review helpful
Sheryl Bradshaw
After being cheated on Jasmine goes to New York only to meet what seems like Mr Right on the plane. After hooking up and getting her life on track , she thinks he is the master mind behind a theft ring. To be continued
152 people found this review helpful
Shee Moua
I'm surprised this book got such high ratings. The storyline was so predictable. I read it on my 5 hours flight and finished it in about 2 hours. It took 6 chapters to get to an obvious point that as a reader you already knew from the get go. I kind of think it would've been better if it was told in third person. The only thing the author actually took the time to describe was lust and beauty. Nothing else, really. It's quite boring and would be much better to watch it as a movie than to read it.
356 people found this review helpful