Aaron McReynolds is the Leader of a team of Vampire Hunters and Guardians tasked with keeping the world safe from the undead. Once a year, the Vampires are allowed to gather and celebrate without any interference. However, when Cadence Findley, the granddaughter of an ex-Leader shows up at the festival, Aaron is sworn to protect her. Will she be whisked away by a band of bloodsuckers, or will she finally realize her own destiny and transform into Cadence Findley, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire?
This novelette is a great introduction to The Clandestine Saga, eight books of which are already available on all major retailers. In Transformation, we see the Eidolon Festival unfold around Cadence. Now, see it from Aaron's point of view. You do not need to have read Transformation to enjoy this book.
ID Johnson wears many hats: mother, wife, editor, tutu maker, and writer, to name a few. Some of her favorite people are the two little girls who often implore that she "watch me!" in the middle of forming finely crafted sentences, that guy who dozes off well before she closes her laptop, and those furry critters at the foot of the bed at night. If she could do anything in the world, she would live in Cinderella's castle and write love stories all day while sipping Dr. Pepper and eating calorie-less Hershey's kisses. For now, she'll stick to her Dallas-area home and spending her days with the characters she's grown to love.