DON'T ASK FOR SUGAR is a spiritual and humorous love, crime and spy novel, that only real life can write. Learn from the dearly paid missteps of a European globetrotter in the Australian desert and from his fantastic trips to Asia, until you regain your consciousness in an East German prison cell, - after a stopover in Moscow.
BUT FIRST THE YEAR IS 1985, Christoph is in Bangkok and has just fallen madly in love with a beautiful New Zealander woman who has been touring the world for years. In Western Australia, the two have a challenging but thoroughly satisfying life. Christoph, who struggles along as a garden helper for lack of a work permit, admires the experienced Suzanne, who works as a well-paid model at Perth's university. One weekend in a small chapel, the future is predicted for the two of them. The fortune teller says, that Suzanne will soon be living happily in the south, but when she holds Christoph's hand, the seer begins to tremble and sees dark forces and sinister demons. Shortly afterwards, Suzanne is offered an extraordinarily cheap plane ticket to New Zealand, and as she hasn't been home for a very long time, she makes a spontaneous decision, whereupon the world falls apart for Christoph, as he loses the love of his life.
A FEW DAYS LATER Christoph pulls himself together, sells his car and hitchhikes through the middle of the Australian desert to get some fresh ideas from new impressions. After three weeks in New South Wales, he meets Dave, an Australian, and Bryce, a Scotsman, who have been in a car accident. Pulling the mudguard out again, the three young men decide to drive north for two days as the small coastal town of Cairns on the Great Barrier Reef turns into a party hotspot at the end of the year when divers from all over the world wash up on its beaches along with jellyfish, - but can Christoph forget his Suzanne just like that?
Bernhard Christoph Lichtinger was born into a family of doctors in Stuttgart (southern Germany) on July 21, 1961, the fifth of six sons. The author, family man, craftsman, autodidact, inventor and entrepreneur attended one kindergarten, 10 schools, countless countries and 2 East German prisons. Released to Baden-Württemberg after 341 days of miserable food (on Friday, November 13, 1987), Christoph taught himself computer-aided drawing. He first freelanced for the IBM chip factory and then for the sports car fanatic architect Bernd Frank. After he managed to finance his parents' property, Christoph founded his own residential construction company in 1995, which was hit hard by the global financial crisis 13 years later (2008), whereupon he lost everything except the old villa that belonged to him and his second great love Dorothee. After his divorce, Christoph found his first great love Suzanne on the internet and flew to New Zealand to meet her in August 2015. And yes, it is true love! Six months later, Christoph has a little more time again and begins to write down his story ...
Meanwhile nine years in New Zealand, the last six of which Christoph has spent sleeping, working and cooking in his motorhome, he is also closing his third book at the beginning of 2025 to fly to the opposite side of our globe with his faithful dog Rosie. No longer so far away from his two sons, he wants to write the next chapters of his new stories because when he was released from the East German labour camp, he was abandoned by all evil spirits and since then has only been afraid of overflowing letterboxes.