After tragedy, three women, united in love, face the Great War as bravely as they can...
Sunshine After Rain is a heartrending wartime saga, as three women suffer loss and tragedy, yet find the strength to carry on regardless. Perfect for fans of Dilly Court and Cathy Sharp.
Emily Dalton leads a secure and privileged life with her husband William and their two strong-minded daughters, Connie and Jenny. But their happy world is shattered when, in 1912, William makes a trip to America that ends in tragedy. Emily and her daughters cope as best they can, but crippling debts quickly overwhelm them and they are forced to abandon their large family home.
This is only the beginning, however, for soon fighting breaks out with Germany and, as the whole country is gripped by the chaos and heartbreak of war, they find their lives change beyond recognition. Connie, recently married to a much older man, goes to work on the trams when her husband is sent away. Jenny decides to become a nurse and soon finds herself facing the horrors of the front line. Like everyone else, they can only do their bit and hold on to the hope that one day they will be reunited with those they love...
What readers are saying about Sunshine After Rain:
'I thought I knew where the story was headed, but I was totally wrong. I just couldn't put [the book] down... fabulous read'
'Once again a good story which leaves you with that feel good feeling'
'Make a cup of tea, sit down and let the story take you away'