Our culture has become painfully polarized, often hindering relationships with neighbors, colleagues, and the very people who need to discover the love of Jesus Christ. Remembering that we are foremost citizens of heaven serving a loving Father, we who call ourselves followers of Christ can once again be known by our love.
But how? In what context and through what means? How can we tear down the walls that divide our culture, our neighborhoods and workplaces and families, in this increasingly contentious world?
Drawing on a rich variety of true stories and sources both historical and contemporary--from behind the scenes in today's halls of power, to moving accounts from church history, to powerful breakthrough's in Daly's own life and ministry--Daly challenges us to reclaim our responsibility, and our privilege, as God's sons and daughters.
As followers of Jesus with His humility and compassion as our model, ReFocus: Living a Life that Reflects God's Heart demonstrates how Christians can show the world an inexplicable taste of grace with no agenda other than to reveal the heart of God as the loving Abba Father He is.
Jim Daly is the president and CEO of Focus on the Family. Daly has received the 2008 World Children's Center Humanitarian Award and the 2009 Children's Hunger Fund Children's Champion Award. He has appeared on such television programs as ABC “World News Tonight” and PBS’ “Religion & Ethics”; and been featured in Time, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today and Newsweek, which named him one of the top 10 next-generation evangelical leaders of influence. Daly and his wife have two sons and reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Visit: www.focusonthefamily.com.