Dee Vah
If you've been wondering about Seth, you get your answers ... But it's not what you think. This book picks up exactly where book 1 left off. Marion is supposed to be dealing with the Winter Court. She's the Steward and supposed to be getting it back to normal function, along with figuring out just how to deal with the angels. Meanwhile, Seth gets a lead on Marion's memories that they track all the way to hell. Hell is basically sucking the life out of Marion, Arawn (THE MAN in hell) is proving to be formidable and has taken a liking to Charity. Meanwhile, Seth finally gets some information about himself. Let's be for real ... More than half the stuff in this book that happens, you don't see it coming. *fist pump* And by the end of it, you're going to want ErlKonig dead as much as I do. What did I like? What was there NOT to like? The entirety of SM's books have an incredible world that has been built. It carries over from book to book so you never feel lost. Sure, there are many other series' but they're interconnected. I like Marion a lot more in this book than I did in book 1. I'm enjoying the puzzle pieces ... ESPECIALLY the bomb dropped by Elise (through Dana's mouth) on the last page. IT WAS HUGE! I MEAN HUGE! Anyway ... This book is full of puzzle pieces being put together ... So many questions are sort-of answered, with more asked. I enjoyed walking through Hell, actually. I enjoyed the being that Seth spoke with while he was down there. I REALLY loved the detail put into The Hounds. I thought they were phenomenal. What did I not like? I hate ErlKonig but ... I also ... Like his character. He's an a-hole, we know that, but he's SO convincing that I just have to roll with him.
sue dalton
Another fast paced addictive book by SM Reine An excellant second installment in the mage craft books Marion is still coming to terms with looking after the Winter Court when Seth gets a lead on the location of her memories which leads them into the nether worlds which have changed a lot since genesis, who is there to help and who is there to hinder. Lots of twists and turns to keep you on your toes, Plus we get to see a few old faces from before Genesis and see where they are now. I was to given a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Ashley Ehlers
*Was given a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review* Ooh, that prince sure knows how to get under my skin! He's manipulative, sex craze, and pushy and I'm surprised I caught myself saying poor Marion when I wasn't her biggest fan in Cast in Angelfire haha. In this one I'm warming up to her, just only when she's around Seth I can stand her. But when she's with Konig I just can't put up with them....Ooh, that prince! But I'm getting ahead of myself haha. I really enjoyed this one more than the first one and I think that's cause Marion is changing a bit, though how it ended we'll see where things lead to. Cast in Hellfire starts where Cast in Angelfire left off and Seth (who's finally excepting his real name) is rescuing Charity from the preternatural detention center. There he realizes something is truly off with him and now he needs to find out what he's become. Of course to do that he needs Marion as much as she needs him. I honestly enjoyed going along on this adventure with them. So much gory action! This horror lover was sitting on the edge of her seat! Seriously, I forgot how gory Mrs. Reine's stories can get and I absolutely loved it! If you're not a fan of heavily detailed gore then this story might not be for you haha. So much is happening, so much is revealed, and I do enjoy the multiple points of view but I hate when the views change when one ends in tension and I just HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Overall this is a great page turner, with twist and turns and constant action that it'll be hard to put down! I cannot wait to get my hands on the next one, not after finding out what Seth is! Oh boy, the next one is going to be quite interesting!