Enrico Cheatham
A disturbing tale that explores several themes, including; feminism, social prejudice, environmentalism, animal cruelty, and what it means to be human.Isserley is a complicated character that I had mixed feelings about but she never ceases to be fascinating. All in alll, a story that is simultaneously beautiful and grotesque.
8 people found this review helpful
Matt Roen
In prose both evocative and spare, Faber draws the reader into the world of hitchhiking along the A9, and then to the brink of alien humanity. An incredible read: literally spine-tingling, tear-jerking, and laugh-inducing, it would be a crime to not pick-up 'Under the Skin'.
6 people found this review helpful
Maura Lesser
It's interesting, and very different from the movie in every way. Worth a read even if you've seen it, as it's a completely different experience.