The Treasury of David: Volume Four (1865-1885) is an exposition of Psalms 42-57 and includes additional choice content from Spurgeon's Autobiography, "Through Much Tribulation." Also included is an introduction by editor, Gene Fedele. This Fourth volume is the first of two volumes on Book Two (of Five) of the Psalms, comprised of Psalms 42-72. Each Psalm is expounded, verse by verse, by the “Prince of Preachers” and includes precious biblical insights and applications on the Scripture texts hundreds of eminent Christians throughout history—such as Richard Baxter, Athanasius, John Bunyan, Bernard of Clairvaux, John Gill, David Dickson, Thomas Goodwin, Matthew Henry, Martin Luther, John Flavel, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, George Rogers, Matthew Poole, John Trapp, Richard Sibbs, and many more.
As Spurgeon reflects on the fifty-first Psalm: “This Psalm is very human. It’s cries and sobs are of one born of a woman; but it is freighted with an inspiration all divine, as if the Great Father was putting words into his child’s mouth. Such a Psalm may be wept over, absorbed into the soul, and exhaled again in devotion; but commented on—ah! Where is he who, having attempted it, can do none other than blush at his defeat?”