Silvester devon Aesterew
I am a psychologist who works teens with OCD. I am always looking for new resources and I am so happy I found this one. Anthony Bishop uses easy understand language to describe OCD and strategies to help individuals learn to live a meaningful life with OCD. Great exercises to help individuals learn to recognize unhelpful thinking(cognitive distortions) and learn ways to restructure their thoughts. I love that he included creative mindfulness activities.
Tom seifert Lenarty
This book taught me more about OCD than anything I've read. Dr. Grayson gets to the core of the disorder and touches all the bases in a way that many therapists don't. There really IS hope, although most people I've met don't believe it. I saw on Oprah--the show barely scratched the surface of what OCD is and what recovery can look like. I highly recommend this eye-opening, thorough book. Even if you don't think a chapter pertains to you, read it. You may be surprised at the information
Wilsonsomani Slade
Great book for all of those who have OCD. I've lived with it for most of my life, and this book not only helped me to understand OCD better, but it also helped me feel not so alone, and helped me learn some techniques to help fight my OCD. Great book. Great exercises. Great evaluations.