Embrace longevity with Dirghayu Kaise Ho by Shameem Khan. This book provides insights into habits and lifestyle choices that promote longevity and a healthy life. From diet to exercise, mental health, and regular check-ups, understand how to live a long and healthy life.
Dirghayu Kaise Ho by Shameem Khan is a comprehensive guide to healthy aging and longevity. It provides readers with tips, exercises, and strategies to age gracefully, maintain vitality, and remain mentally and physically fit. The book outlines the importance of mental agility and the need for physical exercise to maintain a senior lifestyle. It also provides readers with useful information on age-related diseases, health screenings, and health in old age.
The book also delves into age-defying habits, longevity diets, and wellness strategies to maintain vitality. It provides readers with pertinent information on retirement planning, mental fitness, active aging, and age-friendly environments. It also contains information on research related to longevity and age-related diseases.
Healthy aging, longevity, age gracefully, senior health, wellness tips, retirement planning, mental fitness, active aging, age-related diseases, maintaining vitality, longevity diet, physical exercise, age-defying habits, mental agility, senior lifestyle, wellness strategies, health screenings, health in old age, longevity research, age-friendly environments.
शमीम खान का जन्म इंदौर, मध्य प्रदेश में हुआ था। वहीं उन्होंने अपनी प्रारंभिक से लेकर पी-एच.डी. तक की शिक्षा प्राप्त की। वह देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय की पहली ऐसी छात्रा हैं, जिन्होंने पूरी तरह फिल्मों पर आधारित किसी विषय पर पी-एच.डी. की है। पी-एच.डी. के बाद उन्होंने दैनिक जागरण और तहलका के दिल्ली कार्यालय में पत्रकार के रूप में कार्य किया। वर्तमान में कई प्रतिष्ठित समाचार-पत्रों, पत्रिकाओं और प्रकाशन संस्थानों के साथ स्वतंत्र पत्रकार और अनुवादक के रूप में कार्यरत। ‘सिनेमा में नारी’ इनकी पहली पुस्तक है।
Embrace longevity with Dirghayu Kaise Ho by Shameem Khan. This book provides insights into habits and lifestyle choices that promote longevity and a healthy life. From diet to exercise, mental health, and regular check-ups, understand how to live a long and healthy life.