I present an analysis of the Greek New Testament scripture to explain why the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming are not imminent, which is consistent with the fact that these events have not occurred in the past 2000 years.
I argue that the Scriptural descriptions of the destruction of the earth in the End Times is not consistent with the capabilities of nuclear weapons and that a different scenario is required to explain the scriptural description of 2 Peter 3 - the destruction of the earth by intense heat and burning and also the death of one-third of the people that inhabit the earth. I then suggest a scenario that is capable of causing the destruction of the earth and is caused by God not mankind, which is consistent with scripture.
I present arguments that the scriptural conditions that must be met (occur) before the Rapture and Second Coming can occur are not likely to occur soon.
I see no possibility of a ten-kings empire in Europe. If the entire ex-Roman Empire is considered, then it could be. I suggest that the ten nations are those of the old Roman Empire that are not in Europe - the ten that are closer to Israel and are all primarily Arab/Islamic.
I give a scientific explanation of the streets of transparent gold described in Revelation.
I discuss scriptures individually that relate to The End Times.
The author is a highly published, retired research scientist with a PhD in physics, a linguist, having studied classical Greek for about 30 years, a philosopher, a Bible student, an outdoorsman, and a world traveler. He was born and raised in rural, agrarian Ohio, and moved to California in 1961. He has two children and 5 grandchildren, and lives with his wife of 57 years (in 2014) in Stevenson Ranch CA.