Bharat Reddy
Bhagat Singh makes a compelling argument against established religious creeds. He explores the nature of reason and why is it important to become a revolutionary. He asks one to use one's own faculty in judging traditional beliefs and not believe anything at the face value of any authority, either a text or a person. A must read for any critical mind.
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Ashish Jha
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The ideas reveals the shortcomings of religions which has misguided human who otherwise could have been a very strong being and have developed so much till now, but we see that human beings are so weak and fragile, his sufferings have increased and overall condition of humanity is in dilapidated state. The reason behind all this is his weakness and dependency on God. He ignores his potentials, his real real worth and believes on an entity which mere exists in his imagination . Pranam to shaheed-e-Azam.
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