An excellent book with thorough coverage for MA and BA classes, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.
Paper I : समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र (Macro Economics)
1. Concept of Macro Economics, 2. Circular Flow of Income, 3. National Income : Various Concepts, 4. National Income Accounting, 5. National Income and Economic Welfare, 6. The Classical Theory of Employment, 7. Theory of Keynesian Employment, 8. Propensity to Consume, Save & Investment, 9. Multiplier and Acceleration Principles, 10. Investment Function and Marginal Efficiency of Capital, 11. Keynesian Theory of Liquidity Preference & Liquidity Trap, 12. Discount Rate, 13. Meaning and Functions of Money, 14. Stock of Money & Its Measures M1, M2, M3 and M4, 15. Quantity Theory of Money, 16. Inflation, Deflation & Recession, 17. Bank : Meaning & Types, 18. Central Banking & Its Functions, 19. Reserve Bank of India, 20. Monetary Policy : Objectives & Limitations, 21. Commercial Banks & Credit Creation, 22. Mudra Yojana & Jan-dhan Yojana,
Paper II : सार्वजनिक वित्त और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अर्थशास्त्र (Public Finance and International Economics)
1. Public Finance : Meaning, Nature and Scope, 2. Public, Private and Merit Goods, 3. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, 4. Sources of Public Revenue, 5. Kinds of Taxes : Direct and Indirect, 6. G.S.T.—Format and Computing Process, 7. Taxable Capacity in India, 8. Budget : Definition and Preparation, 9. Various Concepts of Budget Deficit, 10. Fiscal Policy, 11. Deficit Financing, 12. Central-State Financial Relation (With Constitution of 15th Finance Commission), 13. International Trade (Meaning and Importance), 14. International and Inter-Regional Trade, 15. International Trade and Economic Development, 16. Theories of International Trade (Absolute and Comparative Advantage), 17. Modern Theory of International Trade or Heckscher-Ohlin Theory, 18. Terms of Trade : Meaning, Concepts and Types, 19. Tariff & Non-Tariff Barriers, 20. World Trade Organisation (W.T.O.), 21. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment, 22. Foreign Capital Flow, 23. Foreign Trade in India (Trends & Direction), 24. Exchange Rate and Its Determination, 25. Devaluation and Over Valuation.