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I have to let you know that I very very rarely read novels. And I read this because my wife knows Steve Yohn. With that said, I really enjoyed this novel. And in fact I have to admit, I found it hard to put down. It is an easy read but one that will keep you guessing and with its different twists and turns keeps you very involved. So I do recommend this to readers. And I might just go and pick up the next one in the series.
A Google user
This fast-paced novel adds an NFL insiders perspective on a Clancy-like thriller without a lot of tedious detail. It moves and is fun. And best of all, there's a sequel that picks up where this one leaves off. (came out in Jan. '09) I recommend you pick it up today!
The authors do a great job too of helping you work through the idea of Christians and Muslims dialoguing about their faith, their doubts, and their biases in believable banter. Great insight into the Muslim mind from this Christian. I came away with greater compassion for my Muslim friends and acquaintances.
A Google user
Elam and Yohn are to be congratulated on this wonderful work of fiction. Braving the culture gap between active, everyday Christianity and jihadist Islam, these two men prove they can follow the likes of Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy while staying out of the muck. The authors avoid the broad brush strokes that practicing Muslims are always adversarial and that "Christians" are always safe. Well-edited, the novel bypasses common problems of pulp fiction (repetitive phrases, typos, clichés, et cetera.) You'll see the world of pro sports from a different perspective and learn to "judge the tree by its fruit." And, ladies, be prepared to cry a little.
The only plot flaw, and I suppose a minor one, is the assertion that Italy's social institutions must be totally devoid of influence by Christianity. Catholic readers may find this a stretch, as I did.
This book is for adults and mature adolescents. It contains some war-related violence and descriptions of torture-inflicted injuries. That being said, most modern war or action movies show much worse stuff. Thanks, Elam and Yohn!
PS Yes, I did see the "bad guy" coming, as other reviewers suggest, but that ALWAYS happens to me.