An Introduction to Roman Catholicism
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Creed
Chapter 2: Sacraments
Chapter 3: Catholic Traditions
Glossary of Terms
Author Bio
The purpose of this text is to present and defend the fundamental beliefs of the Roman Catholic faith from a Catholic perspective with an inviting and surprisingly affordable format. Many people harbor gross misunderstandings of the Catholic religion due to misinformation and, more likely than not, a total misunderstanding of Catholic institutions and practices. How and why an institution that has had as dramatic a role in the development of western civilization as the Catholic Church has come to be so entirely misunderstood and mischaracterized by non-Catholics is beyond the scope of this text. My hope is that this text dispels insubstantial notions held about the Catholic faith and replaces them with the factual information.
This text is a necessary corrective because it is difficult to articulate the motions and practices of faith to others, especially if the others are aggressive and non-receptive (which is often the tone during interreligious dialogue). Faith is often an organic and fluid motion on the part of the faithful. Faith is a lived experience, hence the phrase “the life of faith.” The core beliefs of the Catholic faith are presented here in a manner accessible to Christians and non-Christians alike. I hope you approach this book with a spirit of open-mindedness and a desire to learn. It is my earnest desire that this book either deepens your faith and your understanding of the Catholic religion.
The Catholic faith has two sources of authority: Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture. The Catholic Church, in order to present its teachings in an approachable format, has published a Catechism. Consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church if you desire to explore anything presented in this book to a greater degree. I intend to cite the Bible to provide an authoritative basis for the claims I make in this book. The citations also allow the reader to research the claims for himself. The Bible will be cited by book, chapter, and verse. The Bible edition used in this text is The New American Bible.