John Wesley believed the Bible to be the Word of God, and he insisted that Wesleyan teaching conform to that standard. This commentary carefully explains the Bible, book by book, in terms of the intentions of the authors who composed it. At the same time, it is an inspiring exposition of the Bible’s message for us and the peoples of all times. The work includes introductory articles that reinforce the historic Wesleyan view of the infallibility and authority of the Scriptures.
Written by nearly fifty scholars, this work is a collaboration to aid pastors, Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, college and seminary students, and others who love the Word of God.
Eugene Carpenter was professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Scholar in Residence, Bethel College, Mishawaka, Indiana.
Dr. Wayne McCown is currently serving as the Founding Dean and Professor of Bible and Ministry at Northeastern Seminary, Rochester, NY. Past president of the Wesleyan Theological Society, he has served as General Editor for two Zondervan publications: The Asbury Bible Commentary, and the Reflecting God NIV Study Bible.